100 Word Challenge Week 11

I think it is a person in a village. He wares a full black suit to go out side to find his spot to stay and pray to make sure good things happen. The person always wonders in the same spot every day. One day he got cancer and died so they put a statue there to remind people of him and to tell other people to pray so good things will happen to you one day. Then I think it’s a boy because boys were black more then girls do. Maybe he likes to pray in a cool nice shady place.


  1. Hello Mr. Porkchop,
    Your write is interesting. It is an explanation of the statue from the picture prompt. Next time, try to write a story about the man who liked to pray for good things to happen. I appreciate how you have included a different word to start each sentence, as this was part of today’s lesson. Keep on writing and improving.
    Mrs. Van


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